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Sam Shosanya

5 Novel Ways to Leverage AI for Career Success

Are you thinking about that next big step in your career but aren’t sure how? Do you find yourself playing catch-up with industry trends, possibly one step behind the competition? If so, you're not alone. And the upside is, that most won’t actually do anything about it.


I'm here to tell you there's an easy way to revolutionise your career trajectory, giving you insights and opportunities you never even knew existed. And what if I said this tool is already at your fingertips – and FREE - just waiting to be unleashed?


I'm talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and it's not just for tech gurus or data scientists anymore. In fact, AI has the power to transform your career in ways you've never imagined – if you know how to harness its potential.


So, you might be thinking “AI” Really? Isn't that just for automating tasks or crunching numbers?" Trust me, it's so much more than that. I've spent more hours than I care to count researching and experimenting with AI's application in career development, and I've only scratched the surface of what's possible.


In this blog, I'm going to reveal five super effective strategies that use AI to supercharge your career. These aren't your run-of-the-mill tips – we're talking about cutting-edge strategies that 99% of professionals aren't even aware of. By the end of this article, you'll have a roadmap to leverage AI for career success – and one that you will know how to modify and update, as needed.


But first, let's address the elephant in the room. You might be skeptical about AI. Maybe you've tried using chatbots or simple AI tools and found them lacking. Or perhaps you're worried about AI replacing jobs in your industry. I get it. These might be valid concerns, but they're also holding you back from tapping into AI's true potential.


Here's the truth: AI isn't here to replace you, certainly not at this time. It's here to empower you. When used correctly, AI becomes your personal career strategist, your creativity booster, and your secret weapon for staying ahead of the curve. And the best part? You don't need to be a tech wizard to make it work for you.


In my experience, too many people are concerned about the wrong thing; frankly, you are more likely to be replaced by someone who has embraced, AI rather than an AI itself!


So, on that note, let’s start to explore how AI can transform your career.


1. Uncover Hidden Career Opportunities with AI-Powered Pattern Recognition

Imagine having a personal career detective that works all day and night, scouring the professional landscape for opportunities tailor-made for you. That's exactly what AI-powered pattern recognition can do. It's like having a crystal ball that reveals career paths you never even knew were possible.


Here's how it works. AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data from various sources – LinkedIn profiles, job postings, industry reports, and more. By identifying patterns in this data, AI can uncover non-traditional career paths that align perfectly with your unique skill set and experience.


For example, let's say you're a marketing professional with a knack for data analysis. AI might identify an emerging trend of companies looking for "AI capable marketing technologists" – a hybrid role that combines marketing expertise with technical skills. This could be your ticket to a high-demand, high-paying position that you might have otherwise overlooked.


But the AI doesn’t have to be limited to simply showing you these opportunities; it can also provide insights on how to position yourself to seize them. It might suggest specific skills to develop, certifications to pursue, or even networking strategies to connect with key players in these emerging fields. Sound good?


Now, you might be thinking: "This sounds great, but how can I trust AI to guide my career? After all, it’s not really intelligent”. Valid question, and here's my advice: use AI as a starting point, not the final word. Cross-reference its suggestions with industry reports, talk to mentors, recruiters and do your own research. Think of AI as your brainstorming partner, opening doors you didn't know existed.


2. Boost Your Emotional Intelligence with AI-Enhanced Self-Awareness

Let's face it, in today's workplace, technical skills alone aren't enough. In fact, it has been said that technical skills will get you a job, but Emotional intelligence (EQ) will help you keep it - and progress. EQ is the secret sauce that can make or break your career. But developing EQ takes time, painful failures and arduous self-reflection – or does it?


Enter AI-enhanced self-awareness tools. These cutting-edge applications can analyse your communication patterns, emotional responses, and leadership tendencies to provide objective feedback on how others perceive you. It's like having a personal coach who's always watching, primed to offer insights on improving your interpersonal skills.


Imagine this scenario. You're preparing for a big presentation to the executive team. You run your slides and script through an AI tool that analyses your language, tone, and cadence. It flags that you tend to use passive language when discussing financial results, which might make you appear less confident. Or notes where you make arguments that are logically inconsistent or difficult to follow.


Armed with this insight, you can adjust your presentation style to project more authority and conviction.


But it doesn't stop there. These AI tools can also analyse your email communications, meeting contributions, and even your body language in video calls (with your permission, of course). Over time, you'll build a comprehensive picture of your communication style and emotional patterns, allowing you to make targeted improvements.


Again, some of you might be feeling a bit uneasy about this level of analysis. Privacy concerns are valid, and it's crucial to use these tools ethically and with proper safeguards. But wouldn't you rather receive this feedback privately from an AI tool than learn about these issues the hard way in a performance review or after missing out on a promotion?


The key is to use AI as a mirror, not a judge. You can even prompt (instruct) it to affirm you in your interactions and use language that encourages as opposed to criticises you or uses harsh sentiments. It's there to provide objective data that you can reflect on and act upon, based on millions upon millions of data points.


Combine these AI insights with self-reflection and feedback from trusted colleagues, and you'll be on the fast track to EQ mastery.


3. Become a Strategic Visionary with AI-Powered Scenario Planning

In today's fast-paced, volatile, unpredictable and complex business world, the ability to anticipate future trends and prepare for various scenarios is invaluable. But let's be honest – most of us struggle to see beyond our next deadline, let alone five years into the future. That's where AI comes in to give us superhuman foresight.


AI-powered scenario planning tools can analyse current trends, market data, and industry forecasts to simulate various future scenarios for your career and industry. It's like having a time machine that lets you explore different paths and their potential outcomes.


Here's an example: Let's say you're in the finance industry. An AI scenario planning tool might predict four possible futures:

1. A surge in decentralised finance (DeFi) disrupting traditional banking.

2. Increased regulation leading to a focus on compliance and risk management.

3. A shift towards sustainable finance and ESG investing.

4. Increasing reliance on AI for key Back Office functions.


For each scenario, the AI can suggest skills to develop, potential career moves to consider, and even specific companies or sectors that might thrive. This isn't just guesswork – it's data-driven foresight that can give you a massive advantage in your career planning.


And here's where it gets really powerful. You can use these scenarios to make strategic decisions today that will position you for success no matter which future unfolds. Maybe you decide to take a course in blockchain technology to prepare for the DeFi scenario, while also consuming free, valuable, AI-identified content on sustainability projects to build ESG knowledge.


Now, we know the future is unpredictable! So, you might be asking “How can AI possibly know what's going to happen?" And you're right – AI can't predict the future with 100% accuracy. But it can process and analyse far more data than any human, identifying patterns and potential outcomes that we might miss.


You don’t need to become an expert; you just need that extra little something that will help you be more intentional about where you are headed.


With the right data, the aim is to use AI-generated scenarios as a starting point for strategic thinking, not as a crystal ball. As suggested earlier in the blog, discuss these scenarios with those who can provide wise counsel. Use them to challenge your assumptions and broaden your perspective. Don't worry about getting the right answer. Instead, be prepared for multiple possibilities.


4. Supercharge Your Creativity with AI-Driven Innovation Stimulation

Creativity and innovation are frequently critical in career advancement but we all hit creative blocks sometimes. What if you could break through those blocks and tap into a wellspring of fresh ideas whenever you needed them? That's exactly what AI-driven creativity tools can offer.


These tools go far beyond simple brainstorming support (which is immensely powerful in itself). They use advanced algorithms to generate ideas, identify connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and propose novel solutions to complex problems. Your own creative genius, ready to inspire you with out-of-the-box thinking.


And the more competent you become at prompting (instructing) the AI, the better your results will be! Practice and get good!


Here's a real-world example: Let's say you're tasked with developing a new marketing campaign for a sustainable fashion brand. You input some basic parameters into an AI tool like ChatGPT – target audience, brand values, campaign goals. The AI might come back with ideas like:

• A virtual reality fashion show where users can see the environmental impact of their clothing choices in real-time.

• A social media challenge that gamifies sustainable fashion choices.

• A collaboration with eco-friendly influencers to create limited-edition, zero-waste clothing lines.


These ideas might not be fully formed, but they can spark your own creative thinking, leading you down new paths.


But here's where it gets really exciting. AI can also help you combine and refine these ideas. It can analyse successful campaigns from other industries, identify key elements that resonate with your target audience, and suggest ways to incorporate these elements into your concepts.


Here again, AI doesn't replace your creativity but expands your creative palette, giving you more colours to paint with - but you still need to add value. These tools are available to everyone who has access to a phone and the internet.


Your advantage in this world is the quality of your questions, NOT the quality of your tools.


I want to reinforce this message. The key is to use AI as a collaborator, not a replacement. Start with AI-generated ideas, then apply your human insight, emotional intelligence, and industry knowledge to refine and implement them. The result? A potent combination of machine-driven innovation and human creativity that can set you apart in your field.


5. Master Continuous Learning with AI-Powered Skill Gap Analysis

Following on from the point just made concerning the quality of the questions you pose, the underlying premise here is your ability to continuously learn and adapt. But with so many skills to potentially develop, how do you know where to focus your efforts?


Similar to the first area covered – Pattern Recognition for Career Opportunities - this is where AI-powered skill gap analysis comes in, and trust me, it's a game-changer.


As previously noted, these tools can constantly scan the job market, analyse market trends, and compare them to your current skill set. By return, they provide real-time, personalised insights into which skills you need to develop to stay competitive and advance your career.


What does this look like in real life? Let's say you're a project manager in the tech industry. The AI tool might identify that while your technical project management skills are strong, there's a growing demand for project managers with expertise in Digital Fluency and AI Integration methodologies. It would then suggest specific courses, certifications, or experiences to help you develop these skills.


But it doesn't stop there. These AI tools can also predict future skill demands based on emerging technologies and industry shifts. For example, it might suggest that (staying with a previous example) blockchain project management skills will be in high demand in the next 3-5 years, giving you a head start on developing expertise in this area.


The key to making this work is to combine AI insights with your own career goals, values and passions. At risk of repeating myself, only use the AI recommendations as a guide but also consider which skills/ experiences align with your interests and long-term aspirations. The intent here isn't just to be employable, but to build a fulfilling career that you love.


So, are you ready to revolutionise your career with AI?


I've shown you five powerful ways to leverage AI for career success:

1. Uncovering hidden opportunities with pattern recognition.

2. Boosting your emotional intelligence with AI-enhanced self-awareness.

3. Becoming a strategic visionary with AI-powered scenario planning.

4. Supercharging your creativity with AI-driven innovation stimulation.

5. Mastering continuous learning with AI-powered skill gap analysis.


These strategies aren't just theoretical – they're practical, actionable ways to get ahead in your career. And the best part? You can start implementing them today.


If you have read much of my content you will have heard this before: knowing about these strategies isn't enough. You need to take action. Start small if you need to – pick one area and experiment with an AI tool in that space. As you get more comfortable, you can expand your use of AI across all areas of your career development.


Remember, AI isn't here to replace you – it's here to empower you. By embracing these tools and strategies, you're not just keeping up with the future of work; in some small way, you’re actively shaping it.


And hey, if you want to dive deeper into any of these strategies or just need a sounding board as you navigate your future, we’re here to help. Let's hop on a quick call and chat about how we can potentially set you up for success. Just click here to schedule a time that works for you


So, what are you waiting for? Your AI-powered career transformation starts now. Take that first step and watch as new opportunities and possibilities unfold before you. Your ‘tomorrow self’ will thank you for it!



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