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Sam Shosanya

Networking 301 – engaging so others want to help

Networking is one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional growth, yet it's often the first thing to fall by the wayside in our busy lives.

Have you ever felt a bit behind the eight ball on the networking front? Are you feeling like your career is stuck in neutral? Or that things could be going faster? Do you watch others climb the ladder while you're left wondering, "What are they doing that I'm not?".

Well, I've got news for you – it's almost certain it's who they know, not just what they know. And in this blog, I'm going to show you how to master the art of networking and turn those connections into career gold.


But first, let me ask you this: Have you ever reached out to someone for help and felt like you were bothering them? Or worse, have you avoided networking altogether because it feels fake or uncomfortable?


If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. I've been there and it feels icky. The good news? There's a better way to network – one that feels authentic, builds real relationships, and actually gets results.


You see, most people approach networking all wrong. They only reach out when they need something, treating their contacts like vending machines for favors. But here's the truth: effective networking is about creating value for others, without expecting anything in return.


Not sure? Or thinking – "That sounds great, but how do I actually do it?" Don't worry, I've got you covered. I've spent years implementing and refining my networking strategy, learning from both successes and some big old failures too. And now, I'm going to share with you a series of 10 steps that will transform your networking game and help supercharge your career.


But before we dive in, let me be clear: this isn't about collecting business cards or racking up LinkedIn connections. It's about building genuine relationships that will support you throughout your career. It's about becoming someone others want to help, not just another person ‘reaching out’ and asking for favors.


Are you ready to unlock the power of networking? OK, let's do this!


Step 1: Clarify Your Networking Goals

Have you ever gone to a networking event and felt like a fish out of water, not sure who to talk to or what to say? That's because you didn't have clear goals. Without a target, you're just shooting in the dark.


Take a moment and ask yourself: What do I want to achieve through networking? Are you looking for mentors to guide your career? Potential collaborators for that side project you've been dreaming about? Or maybe you're on the hunt for new job opportunities?


I may not agree with all he says but I like what lawyer and radio host Larry Elder says about goals which is,

"A goal without a timeline is just a dream."

So, let's turn those networking dreams into actionable goals.


Action step: Write down your top three networking goals. Be specific. Instead of "meet new people," try "connect with three marketing professionals in the tech industry."


Quality trumps quantity every time. It's better to have five meaningful connections who can truly help you grow than 500 superficial LinkedIn contacts. Focus on building relationships that align with your goals and values.


Step 2: Audit Your Current Network

Now that you know where you want to go, it's time to take stock of where you are. Think of your network like a garden – you need to know what you've got before you can decide what to plant next. Make sense?


Oprah Winfrey, who knows a bit about networking, once said, "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." You might notice that ultra-successful people rarely give tips about acquiring technical skills for success. Almost without exception, their advice is about behaviour, character or discipline. So, let's take that lead and see who's in your network garden right now.


Pull up your LinkedIn profile (if you don’t have one, stop what you’re doing and get started. This is by far the most effective networking tool for professionals) and analyze your connections. Look for patterns. Are most of your contacts in the same industry? Do you have gaps in certain areas that align with your goals?


Earlier, I talked about quality over quantity but don't underestimate the power of weak ties. These are people you might not know well, but they can often provide fresh perspectives or unexpected opportunities. Sometimes, it's the friend of a friend who opens the door to your dream job or contact.

And be open to serendipity and happy coincidences when n you become intentional in this space.


Step 3: Leverage Existing Relationships

Before you start reaching out to new contacts, take another look at the connections you already have. Are there relationships you've let slip that could use some nurturing?


Keith Ferrazzi, networking expert, says, "The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity." This is your chance to reconnect and add value before asking for anything in return. Ferrazzi talks about “co-elevation” – lifting others up as you climb – as core principles for building powerful, lasting connections.


So, reach out to three former colleagues or industry peers you haven't spoken to in a while. Share an interesting article, congratulate them on a recent achievement, or simply ask how they're doing. Be genuine, be relevant.


Remember, the goal here isn't to immediately ask for favors. It's about rekindling connections and showing genuine interest in others. You'd be surprised how often this leads to unexpected opportunities down the line. Just look to be in service to them in some way. And if you’re still not sure where to start try answering this question, “Who would I like to talk to connect with that I haven’t spoken to for a while?”. Then get in touch.


Step 4: Expand through Targeted Outreach

Now that you've warmed up your existing network, it's time to expand. But here's the thing – you can't just spray and pray. Targeted outreach is the name of the game.


As the saying goes, "It's not what you know but who you know that makes the difference." So, let's focus on connecting with the right people.


Suggested approach? Identify five individuals who align with your networking goals. Research them thoroughly. Then, craft personalized outreach messages that show you've done your homework and explain why you'd like to connect.


Here's an angle that might make this whole endeavour much more effective. Mentioning mutual connections or shared interests can significantly increase your chances of getting a positive response. It's all about finding common ground and making that initial connection feel natural.


Step 5: Join Professional Associations and Groups

You are likely to be familiar with the phrase "birds of a feather flock together"? Well, in the professional world, those birds are often found in industry associations and groups.


Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," puts it bluntly: "The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work." It's time to start building. Not necessarily just to make money but to make a career, a successful venture or something similar.


To this end, I would encourage you to research and join at least two professional associations or online groups related to your industry or career goals. And don't stop there – actively participate in discussions and attend events. Be visible.


Here's a power move that is too often overlooked. Consider taking on a leadership role or volunteering in these organizations. It's a fast track to increased visibility and deeper connections. Special Interest Groups are often an easy angle to explore, too.

I’d even encourage you to consider dressing in a way that marks your individuality. I know a senior professional who deliberately wears bright clothing to events and arrives slightly late. They always leave an impression.


Step 6: Attend Industry Events and Conferences

Now, if you think like me, my initial response would be - "Ugh, small talk with strangers? No thanks." But hear me out. Industry events and conferences are gold mines for networking opportunities. The key is to approach them with the right mindset and strategy.

Opportunities don't happen. You create them. And events are the perfect place to create those opportunities.


Commit to attending at least one industry event or conference in the next three months. Before you go, research the attendees and speakers. Make a list of three people you'd like to connect with and prepare some talking points.


One other thing: The real networking often happens after the event. Follow up with your new contacts within 48 hours to solidify the connection and don’t forget to share something of value – an article, a resource, or even just a thoughtful observation from the event.


Step 7: Build an Online Presence

In today's digital age, your online presence is often your first impression. It's like your 24/7 networking avatar, working even when you're sleeping.


I rely heavily on people with different perspectives, and I like to make connections where they might not be immediately obvious. Doug Warner, the former Chairman of the Board and CEO of J.P. Morgan reminds us, "In the world of Internet Customer Service, it's important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away." The same applies to your professional brand online.


The logical conclusion here is to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Ensure your headline, summary, and experience sections clearly communicate your value proposition. Then, commit to sharing or commenting on industry-relevant content regularly, before you build from there.


Feel free to start by sharing others’ content but also consider creating your own. Whether it's a blog post, a LinkedIn article, or even a short video, original content can position you as a thinker and attract like-minded professionals.


The critical thing is to have an opinion, not to be right or wrong. James Clear the author of "Atomic Habits" puts it this way,

“If you want to be more influential, say more. If you want to be less influential, say less”.


Step 8: Cultivate Reciprocity

Remember when I said effective networking is about creating value for others? This is where the rubber meets the road. It's time to shift your mindset from "What can I get?" to "What can I give?".


Tony Robbins, a favourite of mine, nails it: "The more you give, the more you get." This isn't just feel-good advice – it's a practical networking strategy. Zig Ziglar, an old-style, back in the day, motivational speaker used to always say "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."


Follow this rule: For every networking request you make, aim to help two people in your network. Introduce connections who could benefit from knowing each other, share a helpful resource, or offer your perspective on a problem they're facing. Treat this like another dimension of your day job – make it a non-negotiable!


At risk of repeating myself, networking is a long-term game. By consistently adding value without expecting immediate returns, you're building a reservoir of goodwill that will pay dividends throughout your career.


Step 9: Regularly Review and Adjust Your Approach

You wouldn't run a business without regularly checking your progress, right? The same applies to your networking strategy. It's not set-it-and-forget-it – it's a living, breathing part of your career that needs regular attention.


Set a recurring calendar reminder to review your networking efforts every quarter. Ask yourself:

·       Am I meeting my goals?

·       What's working well?

·       What needs adjustment?

·       Etc

Like I said earlier, make it part of your job. Personally, I will never go through a month where I do not have at least 8 networking calls or meetings. And I created a 6-figure business in about 6 months solely by leveraging my network and without once advertising my business (not even by making an announcement on LinkedIn about starting a new role).


Here I’ve suggested an approach but don't be afraid to drop tactics that aren't working. Your networking approach should evolve as your career progresses and your goals change. What worked when you were just starting out might not be as effective later.


Step 10: Invest in Long-Term Relationship Building

Last but certainly not least, remember that true networking isn't about quick wins – it's about building lasting relationships. Think marathon, not sprint.


I have worked in a number of countries and with many, many colleagues. A number of relationships in my network are now decades old and continue to yield mutual benefits (and enjoyment!) that would astound you.


And the benefits of these relationships often arise in the most unexpected ways and at times you’d least expect them.

Epictetus, another Greek philosopher associated with the stoics, said it best: "The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."  (I wonder if this is where Oprah got her sentiments from??). Anyway, these are the relationships worth investing in for the long haul.


Here’s a simple exercise you can do. Identify the top 20% of your network – those connections that are most valuable and aligned with your goals. Commit to reaching out to each of them at least once a quarter, even if it's just to check in or share something of interest.


Now make those connections even deeper by using personal milestones and life events as opportunities to connect. A simple note on a new job, a birthday, or a project success can strengthen bonds and keep you top of mind.


There you have it – 10 steps to networking mastery that will transform your career. But remember, knowing isn't the same as doing. The magic happens when you put these steps into action.


So, are you ready to take your networking game to the next level? Are you prepared to build relationships that will boost your career?


And hey, if you want to dive deeper into any of these strategies or just need a sounding board as you navigate this journey, we’re here to help. Let's hop on a quick call and chat about how we can potentially set you up for success. Just click here to schedule a time that works for you.


Remember, your network is your net worth – it's time to start investing!



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